At the start of Air Ambulance Week, East Anglian Air Ambulance announces that it treats (on average) six patients a day in the region, thanks to public support – and to pilots such as Captain Steve, who recently stepped down after 18 years
East Anglian Air Ambulance’s (EAAA) longest serving pilot, Captain Steve joined the charity in 2006 following a career in the military. Ten years later, he was named Pilot of the Year by The Association of Ambulances in 2016. And over the past 18 years he has captained all the aircraft which EAAA have operated: the Bolkow BO105, BK117, EC135 and most recently the H145; completed 3,042 Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) flying hours; more than 12,000 landings, and has flown approximately 3,800 missions.
Based in Norfolk, the second-longest serving HEMS pilot in the UK flew EAAA’s Anglia One (Norwich) H145 helicopter to medical emergencies across the region with EAAA’s aviation partner, Babcock International Group (Babcock). He has been part of the EAAA HEMS crew which has provided advanced critical care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to the most seriously ill and injured people in the region.
Steve will take many fond memories with him. He says: ‘It’s nice to go home knowing how much we have been able to help people. EAAA HEMS missions are very special as they are made possible by public support, which is something I’ll always remember. Thanks to public support and kindness, EAAA can take advanced skills, equipment and medicine directly the scene of medical emergencies to give people have the best chance of survival.
‘Certain tasks and patients really standout in my memory,’ Steve continues. ‘Many people treated by EAAA have visited our base with their loved ones to meet the crew after their incident; these moments are incredibly special. I will miss working on HEMS missions and will look back on my 18 years with East Anglian Air Ambulance and Babcock fondly.’
Captain Steve stepped down just before the start of Air Ambulance Week 2024. EAAA is marking the week with the announcement that the charity now treats an average of six patients a day in our region – thanks to the support and donations from the public.
Air Ambulance Week 2024 takes off across the UK from 9 – 15 September, to raise awareness of the life-saving work of air ambulance charities across the UK. Here in the east of England, EAAA’s 24/7 life-saving service is called to a wide range of medical emergencies across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. EAAA, which receives no regular government funding, is joining other air ambulance charities around the United Kingdom to deliver the message: “Today’s Supporter, Tomorrow’s Life-saver.”
Anyone, anywhere in the UK can become a patient at any time. The message is a reminder that becoming a supporter of EAAA today can help save lives tomorrow. Throughout Air Ambulance Week, the stories of those whose lives have been impacted by critical care medics, who bring advanced skills, medication and equipment directly to the scene of medical emergencies, will be shared.
Matthew Jones, CEO of East Anglian Air Ambulance, says: ‘Air Ambulance Week is an opportunity to acknowledge the life-saving achievements of East Anglian Air Ambulance supporters. Simply put, we couldn’t respond to medical emergencies and provide advanced treatment and care without the remarkable kindness of people in our communities.’
Matthew continues, ‘EAAA now treats, on average, six people every day and we recognise and give our heartfelt thanks to our supporters for their ongoing impact right across our region. Together, we really do save lives.’
EAAA is a 24/7 life-saving charity. Each mission costs on average £3,750 and is funded almost entirely by the generosity of local communities. The charity is calling on people all over Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk for support during Air Ambulance Week 2024 to ensure it can continue to save lives.
For updates on Air Ambulance Week 2024 activity, follow EAAA on Facebook, X, youtube.com, Instagram and LinkedIn and help share their message, or visit eaaa.org.uk to make a donation.
Featured image of Captain Steve by EAAA
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