Michelle Gant, the Director of The Engaging People Company, has come forward as Folk Features’ latest key partner! Every other month, she will be sharing the latest news about her ‘Engaging Stories’ for charities – and how our words really can make a difference
Can you remind readers who you are and what you do?
I am a communications and engagement consultant and I run a company called The Engaging People Company, and, along with this, I also have Engaging Stories which is all about bringing people together to share their stories to raise money for charity – 100% of profits from our books go directly to good causes.
Tell us about your ‘engaging stories’ for charities: which books have you edited to date?
It all began in 2020 during the pandemic, when I decided to keep a diary about that time. Which became an online blog. Which became an online blog with a different contributor every day. In the end some 75 people of all ages and from different places took part – and we had this amazing book, When The World Paused. This was sold to raise money for NHS charities. That wasn’t of course the end of it and I repeated the whole process again the following year with When The World Paused: What A Pandemic Taught Us About Living. This time 84 people took part, including several people who had shared their stories the first-time round, writing about how life had moved on. Once again, we had this incredible book which I published for NHS Charities. The response was amazing, and in fact, there is a recording of my daughter reading part of her entry – which I’d written verbatim as she was just four at the time – as part of the British Library’s Covid Collection. The books can be found here: When The World Paused (2 book series) Paperback edition (amazon.co.uk).

The whole experience was magical. I realised how powerful it is when people come together – and especially people who don’t think of themselves as writers – to share their stories. How we can make a difference, not just for the reader but for good causes too. This, I thought, is something I have to keep doing. So next came The Things I Wish I’d Known, a collection of inspirational essays written by women, published to coincide with International Women’s Day, to raise money for Women’s Aid.

Which charities have benefited so far?
So far, we have raised £868 for NHS Charities from sales of the When The World Paused books, and £241 for Women’s Aid from The Things I Wish I’d Known. And this is just the beginning.
What have you learnt about yourself – and other people – through the editing process?
It has been magical seeing people who perhaps don’t think of themselves as writers share their words and share their thoughts and feelings so publicly – which is enormously brave. It is just an amazing feeling when we collaborate to create these wonderful books – I am frequently so moved by the contributions that are sent to me. I know that there are lots of people who don’t think writing is for them, but they are so mistaken. I love that the engaging stories books give a platform for everyone: whoever you are, whatever your writing experience, you can get involved.
Which book are you working on now?
A Young Person’s Guide to Life. I always think we can learn so much from children and young people and this book is all about capturing their thoughts. Young people can either write their thoughts, or have an adult write down what they say verbatim.
They will be given a theme and can write freely around this, or I can provide questions. As you can imagine, the contributions I have received so far – including from my own now eight-year-old daughter – are just brilliant! This book, which I want to publish in time for Christmas, will be raising funds for the NSPCC. Please do get involved! Take Part: A Young Person’s Guide to Life – engaging stories.
Do you already have another book in mind?!
Yes, I do. Last year, when my mum sadly passed away, I sought out words that could inspire and uplift me and give me hope. I also wrote too, which is forever my solace.
And I also found the Sue Ryder text service a huge help, receiving two texts a week with words of wisdom. So, put that all together and I want to create an uplifting, healing book of words to raise funds for Sue Ryder. You can find more info here: Love After Life – engaging stories.
What made you decide to become a key partner for Folk Features? And what can people expect from your bi-monthly columns?
Because we align perfectly! You’re about positive stories that make a difference, and so am I. I think stories can uplift, move, inspire, heal, and give hope – so where better for me to share the opportunities and stories from engaging stories?
Where can people find out more about your engaging stories, generally?
Over here: engaging stories – our words can make a difference and we’re on Facebook too: Facebook and anyone who wants to take part – honestly, you won’t regret it! – please get in touch with me at engagingstories@yahoo.com.
Engaging Stories has published the following books to date: When The World Paused: Reflections on Life in Lockdown; When The World Paused Again: What A Pandemic Taught us About living; and The Things I Wish I’d Known. The next book will be made up entirely of contributions by young people to raise money for the NSPCC. If you’re interested in your young person taking part in A Young Person’s Guide to Life – which will be published in time for Christmas 2024 – then please do get in touch: engagingstories@yahoo.com or fill in the form here.
Featured images – supplied
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