How many of us have made the link between gardening and wellbeing over the past year? Gardener Ellen Mary explains why she’s just launched a new Wellbeing Studio, to bring together plant-loving people from all over the world
My life, up to a year ago, has been busy, varied, full of plants. I’ve been lucky to spend many years meeting incredible people, travelling and generally filling my days with plants and people one way or the other. The last five years or so have been particularly busy with writing for magazines and authoring my first book, curating the horticultural area at the Royal Norfolk Show, appearing on TV and moving to the USA part time. I always just go with the flow and generally say yes to anything promoting the benefits of plants and nature, so the path has been varied. While currently there are less people, life is still very full of plants!
Much like everyone I expect, I found 2020 all a bit odd. Just before lockdown I went back to the US where my husband is based and then ended up staying until July due to flight restrictions so every time I looked at social media, I could see people spending lots of time in their garden and on the allotment but I couldn’t do that which was really hard. The horticulture industry really stepped up during 2020 with lots of online options for education, fun and shopping so while my usual year of attending shows and providing talks in person was not to be, I just adapted the same as everyone else and provided my usual work online. So professionally in a way it opened many more opportunities. I have been on US TV, written a book, recorded many episodes of The Plant Based Podcast, and provided informational plant videos to many organisations – including one of the biggest music producers in the world – and kept myself busy spreading the benefits of plants far and wide.
I know how much being in the natural world helps wellbeing so with my 30 Moments in Nature for Wellbeing challenge I just wanted to give others some ideas to enjoy the outside. Making the very most of the great outdoors, especially during lockdown, is essential, so the 30 Moments are ideas to enjoy and absorb the wellbeing benefits that people can experience from plants and outside. It was published all over the UK and Europe and reached almost 2 million readers, so I hope there are plenty of people star gazing and turning over rocks to see what is underneath. It’s a completely free document that can be downloaded from my website.
Lockdown 3 has been much better than lockdown 1. In the first lockdown, being away from home was hard as I was in an unfamiliar place with no garden and I generally ate many biscuits! This time, I feel more relaxed about it and have found a structure to my days, keeping in touch with people and heading my own advice about forest bathing and nature in general.
I have met so many passionate and admirable people around the world who love plants just as much as I do. From those who promote plants, design gardens, draw and photograph plants, to people who have changed their lives and the community due to their uplifting experiences with the natural world. I’ve always noticed how passionate plant lovers are and that very often we admire the plants without knowing more about the people who enjoy them and make the world a better place for doing so. The new Wellbeing Studio is about the people who love plants. You will find inspirational stories of gardening for wellbeing, how to better appreciate nature walks, how to use herbs and plants for good health, and how to give nature crafts a go; plant-based recipes, books and podcasts plus contacts for help and support. The launch was incredible. I am so happy visitors to the website are enjoying reading wellbeing stories.
The link between gardening and wellbeing is pretty indisputable – science says so. Getting your hands in the soil means contact with beneficial bacteria, vitamin D from the sunshine, decreased anxiety and depression, lessens the chances of many chronic illnesses, improves self-esteem, promotes eating a healthier diet, physical exercise and community. So, yes, it’s indisputable!
Visit www.ellenmarygardening.co.uk and follow her on INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, and TWITTER.
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