For this month’s Press Pause column, Menopause Yoga Teacher Michelle Howard encourages us to tune into the wisdom of nature this autumn – ahead of a Menopause Retreat on Sunday
The phrase ‘second spring’ is widely known and used as the empowering transformation through the phases of peri menopause into post menopause. It comes from the Eastern Wellbeing philosophy that post menopause (that being the rest of a women’s life) is the time for renewed energy. Emerging from menopause into a reawakened, confident and empowered women. However, getting there can be a long and bumpy transition to navigate. Perimenopause for many is a turbulent and chaotic time. In MY menopause yoga it is compared to the season of autumn, forever changing; windy, stormy, wet, dry, hot, humid, cold and frosty. Visualise a leaf, if you like, as it falls from a branch, changing direction in the breeze – where it lands is anyone’s guess. This can lead to a feeling of overwhelm, feeling disconnected and (my favourite word) discombobulated.
The reason for this feeling of flux is all down to the fluctuating hormones of estrogen, progesterone and the not so much discussed testosterone, causing symptoms such as anxiety, sleep disruption, brain fog, aching joints, sore muscles, UTI’s, bloating, changes in menstrual cycle, low or non-existent sex drive, dry skin, itchy eyes, changes in mood, hot flushes and cold shivers. All these changes usually occur at an already busy time of life and are often ignored until a point of desperation has been reached.
The more we push through and ignore how we are feeling, rather than arriving ready to kick ass in post menopause we may instead arrive exhausted and low with no spring in our step.
Autumn/peri menopause is also the time to let go. Just as the trees shed their leaves to preserve energy for winter. It’s the time to let go of anything that no longer serves, to build our own reserves of energy to help move into post menopause.
That may be a metaphorical letting go if you like. Or it may be anything that’s holding you back or causing a negative impact in your life.
If it’s right to let it go, whatever that means for you, it will help your own energy stores moving forward.
Grounding yoga poses are perfect to help reconnect this time of year.
The tree pose is a particular favourite of mine. You can always hold on to a chair or have your back to a wall for support.
- Take a moment to find a focus point in the distance.
- Find a steady and calm breath.
- Choose a standing leg and lift through the torso to avoid a sinking down sensation.
- Slightly engage your abdominal muscles
- Bring the other foot to the inner calf or upper thigh
- The knee of the lifted leg opens out
- Press the foot into the inner thigh or calf muscle as much as the leg is pushing into the thigh.
- Bring the palms together in front of the chest or lift the arms over the head (or make any other shape you wish).
- Breathe steadily and stay for 10 breaths if you can
- Change sides
- If you are super wobbly, rather than lifting the foot keep the toes on the ground and the heel can rest on the opposite foot.
Join Menopause Yoga Teacher Michelle Howard and RNA Nurse and women’s health expert Victoria Howell for a Menopause Retreat at Be Well Barn, Redlingfield near Eye on Sunday 6th October 9.30am-5pm. Victoria and Michelle will guide you through a day of movement, education and nourishment to empower and guide you to through your menopause journey. Nourishing Lunch, tea, coffee and cake, plus goodie bag included. £95 for members or £105 for non-members. Book direct with Be Well Barn: call 01379 831565 or visit bewellbarn.co.uk.
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