For this month’s PRESS PAUSE feature, the team of GPs and Gynaecologists at Norfolk Menopause explain what they do ahead of a sold out event at Jarrolds next week
What has led to the setting up of Norfolk Menopause and what is the thinking behind it?
Norfolk Menopause is a unique set-up of three GPs and two specialist Gynaecologists. We have all worked in the NHS for many years and noticed a lack of good reliable menopause care in our local area. Many women are still in 2024 suffering in silence as a consequence. Our mission is to ensure women can access the best reliable evidence based menopause care. We see women privately from the Healthshare Clinic in Norwich. We also do regular educational events for the public, businesses and also healthcare professionals. When menopause is kept in the dark, it becomes more difficult to understand and control. We are here to change that.
We meet on a monthly basis and discuss our more complex cases, which allows women to gain the opinion of more than one doctor if required. We will look at the whole picture, medical history, symptomatology, and advise on all options including nutrition, exercise, supplements, hormone therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy.
How important is it to offer individualised menopause care to women on their menopause journey?
The right HRT given in the right way at the right dose and right time can be life changing. But HRT that is suitable for one woman may not be right for another – the key is to tailor this to the individual to maximise benefit and minimise any small risks. The relationship you have with your doctor can have a profound effect on your outcomes. This is especially true when dealing with symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Everyone’s journey is different. There can be multiple reasons for why libido and mood are affected, why sleep is disturbed as well as why women may be experiencing multiple physical symptoms. It is essential to have a doctor who can help you navigate all these symptoms, what’s causing them and how best to manage them. Please have a look at our website for further information on how we can help you on your journey; www.norfolkmenopause.co.uk,
Who makes up the team? And do you all have different areas of expertise?
Our team consists of three GPs Dr Hannah Healy, Dr Emily Cary and Dr Susanne Ahlund. We are all experienced GPs and have all undertaken extra training in the menopause and we are certified to deliver cognitive behavioural therapy for the menopause. Mr Paul Simpson is a Consultant Gynaecologist focusing on menopause care, and minimal access surgery for both endometriosis & benign gynaecological conditions. He is specialty lead for both the menopause and endometriosis service at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH). Mr Tim Duncan is a consultant in Gynaecology and Gynaecological Oncology at the NNUH and he is an accredited specialist in the menopause. For more information; norfolkmenopause.co.uk/our-clinicians/
What is happening on February 1, at Jarrolds, and what can people expect on the evening?
A frank myth-busting discussion with the Norfolk Menopause team. They will explore contemporary healthcare, cover all the common questions, and discuss how best to tackle menopausal symptoms.
Hot flushes, brain fog, anxiety, night sweats, loss of confidence, depression, and low libido — we all know the negatives of the menopause but what can be done? The menopause used to be an unspoken word, but now women across Britain are campaigning for better understanding, and better healthcare. Expect answers to questions like these:
- What is the menopause?
- How does HRT actually work?
- What are the risks of HRT and other medication?
- Are there natural ways you can improve the experience?
- How can you ensure your wellbeing through the perimenopause?
- How can you manage your relationship?
Norfolk Menopause will cover all the common questions, and discuss how you can get the best treatment for your needs, or understand more about what your partner is going through.
For anyone not able to attend, where can people find out more about Norfolk Menopause?
Look at our website, norfolkmenopause.co.uk, or follow us in Instagram or Facebook for tips and advice. If you would like an appointment you do not need a referral, you can book your appointment directly through our secretary Sharon White on 07359317176 or on our website.
Understanding Menopause: An evening with Norfolk Menopause at Jarrolds on Thursday 1st February 2024, is SOLD OUT. Visit Norfolk Menopause, @norfolkmenopause on Instagram and Facebook.
Featured image of Norfolk Menopause (left to right: Dr Emily Cary, Mr Tim Duncan, Dr Hannah Healy, Mr Paul Simpson and Dr Susanne Ahlund) – supplied by Norfolk Menopause
Featured image – supplied
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