Carol and Colin Hammond are set to set to star in a new physical activity campaign in Suffolk. Here they talk about wanting to inspire other older people
This couple are set to inspire thousands of older people across Suffolk to be more active after becoming the faces of a new campaign.
Carol and Colin Hammond from Kesgrave became exercise models for an activity pack that has been developed by the County Council led Keep Moving Suffolk campaign, in collaboration with a number of agencies, including the award winning Rural Coffee Caravan project.
Carol, 76, says: ‘When we were asked to be involved, we were delighted to take up the offer. We do try and be active as much as we can because we know it’s such an important part of us staying fit and healthy. To think we might inspire others to be active too is wonderful.’
Colin, 74, adds: ‘With the colder weather and the darker nights, it’s really tough to motivate yourself to exercise. When I haven’t been active I feel more lethargic, less positive and have a lot less energy but when I have been exercising it’s the total opposite. I hope the packs will help others to feel the benefits too.’
The pack, which includes seven exercise cards, each showcasing four exercises, a resistance band and information on where people can go for support has been roundly welcomed by a host of individuals and agencies.
We know that life can be unpredictable for lots of people at the moment, with what you feel like doing changing from day to day
Cllr James Reeder
Cabinet Member for Public Health and Prevention at Suffolk County CouncilCllr James Reeder, the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Prevention at Suffolk County Council says: ‘We know that life can be unpredictable for lots of people at the moment, with what you feel like doing changing from day to day. This pack is there to support people to be active when it suits them and hopefully make a positive contribution to their health and wellbeing.’
3,500 packs are set to be distributed over the coming weeks to older people by a range of agencies including the Rural Coffee Caravan, the social prescribing network and Adult and Community Services.
This initiative is a creative and imaginative way of helping those people to be active
Ann Osborn
Chief executive of the Rural Coffee CaravanAnn Osborn, the chief executive of the Rural Coffee Caravan, adds: ‘We know there’s lots of videos and online classes that people can get involved with but we also know that there are still many older people who either don’t have access to the internet or don’t feel confident using it. This initiative is a creative and imaginative way of helping those people to be active. It’s very much needed. We’re delighted to be part of it.’
The Keep Moving Suffolk campaign, which was launched in April, has been widely praised for helping people become or remain active during the Coronavirus outbreak.
More details, including a downloadable version of the exercises from the activity pack, can be found at www.keepmovingsuffolk.com.
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