What do a bowl of apples, a pair of doorsteps, a painting of Orford Ness and a portrait of an NHS nurse frontline hero have in common? They are all responses to lockdown, and part of the Norwich 20 Group of artists’ annual exhibition, as Vice Chair Julia Cameron explains
When stay at home has meant exactly that, it’s little wonder that some common themes have emerged in this year’s annual exhibition by the Norwich 20 Group of artists. Not least a sense of isolation and disconnectedness with one another. Such artistic responses to lockdown made by members include a view through a partly open studio door, clay from the garden, a kitchen table set with a bowl of apples and wistful memories of a past holiday.
The Norwich 20 Group are a mix of painters, sculptors, installation and conceptual artists, printmakers and photographers. And their annual exhibition has just opened at St Margaret’s Church in St Benedict’s Street, Norwich, running until July 3.

‘This picture, Close Up, is about an aspect of lockdown. We’ve all spent more time than usual focussing on our immediate surroundings.’

‘This piece consists of two rubbings, taken from my doorstep and that of a neighbour. During lockdown, our doorsteps became forbidden thresholds, signifying our isolation from one another and the outside world. However, unexpected intimations of outer landscapes seem to be revealed within the markings.’

‘This painting is one of a series made in January and February 2021. The solitude, silence and isolation found at Orford Ness seemed to relate to the experience of lockdown.’

Julia Cameron, Vice Chair of the Norwich 20 Group, says: ‘After months of only being able to access art online it is fantastic to be able to hang a physical exhibition. To see fellow artists (socially distanced) is a boost to the morale. We have also been encouraged by all the positive comments of our visitors.’

The Norwich 20 Group’s annual exhibition runs until July 3 at St Margaret’s Church, St Benedicts Street, Norwich, and will be open 10am-5pm Monday-Saturday and 10am-4pm on Sunday. Visit https://www.norwich20group.co.uk
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