Sam Capps is founder of The Bro Society, a men’s community which promotes open conversation around men’s mental health. Here, the personal coach at Hustle Boxing Studio in Norwich explains how his growth mindset is helping him to face the challenges of a ruptured Achilles tendon
I would say my life has been one of learning, and then unlearning lots of things. Learning how to alchemise early hardships into strengths and unlearning certain beliefs and behaviours I held to be true about myself which don’t serve me moving forwards.
I don’t think I ever consciously chose to be a personal coach – I would say it’s been a natural extension of who and what I’m passionate about. I enjoy expanding and developing myself as a person and helping others in doing the same along the way.
I was brought up by a single mother and my dad wasn’t an active role in my development, growing up. This left a void in me that we see play out collectively as a lack of good male role models, and few examples of what positive masculinity looks like. I believe the current crisis in men’s mental health stems from this, sadly, and was only amplified by the last two years. The Bro Society aims to promote the restoration of positive masculine environments and communities to help counter what we see playing out.
I returned home from living overseas in New Zealand during the first lockdown. I came back to my family with no job, no car and had to start my life from scratch amidst the chaos. When it comes to navigating the pandemic, I would say doing my best to let go of controlling the outcome and surrendering to the situation served me best.

Hustle is a gym where you can be yourself and has values and an ethos which I believe in. Bobby [Harrison] has created an amazing environment and community built around good energy, and that comes across to everyone who steps foot in the gym.
I use art as a vehicle of expression and a way to channel my inner workings in a creative way. I’ve been doing this with acrylic paintings on canvas since the first lockdown. You could say this was another thing birthed from the chaos!

Unfortunately, I ruptured my Achilles tendon playing football, and have been put in a boot and crutches for two to three months – which isn’t ideal! But I like to opt towards a growth mindset over a fixed one, and I try to look at challenges and adversity as an opportunity for growth. It has got me down at times and my girlfriend has been a life saver in supporting me, but ultimately what doesn’t kill us can make us stronger.
My advice to others would be to imagine the version of you that exists on the other side of the challenge or difficult thing you’re facing. That version of you is the reward waiting for you when you accept the call to get outside your comfort zone.
Recovering fully from this injury is my main priority first and foremost, but beyond that just remaining open to seeing what ends up being birthed out of this current challenge! Let’s wait and see.
Visit @samcapps; @thebrosociety and @solpaint777 – all on Instagram – and Hustle
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