Folk Features is delighted to introduce its first partner! Vicki Harris, of From Suffolk With Love, was featured at the very beginning and has been super supportive of the website ever since. Here she explains what has been happening with her small eco-friendly business over the past year and why she wants to get involved
Just to remind everyone, who are you and how would you describe FSWL?
I’m Vicki and I put together planet conscious, plastic-free gift boxes. All the items in the gift boxes are handmade in Suffolk by some amazing small businesses.
How has the past year or so been for you and your small business?
It’s been hard, there have been ups and downs, but I like that it is challenging, and I am staying true to me. I’m just trying to quietly spread the message that if you do want to buy something lovely, why not buy plastic free and locally made!
How has FSWL evolved since we last featured you?
Since we last spoke, I have been steadily increasing the range of gift boxes and making sure that I have something for most tastes and budgets. I have also been getting out to markets which has been brilliant, I love getting to meet people and get feedback in person about the business.
How many different boxes can you offer now?
I have around 20 gift boxes across all the ranges. So, some seasonal boxes, classic boxes (including the ever-popular The BLISS Box), gifts for men and the kids and a collection of mini boxes for just that little something.
Any new small producers on board you would like to mention?
I have just recently launched a The MINDFUL ADVENT Box with the lovely Creating Caring Connections. Steph is all about promoting connections, especially between the young and old. Her advent calendar has daily mindful prompts for each day in December and we have teamed it with some gorgeous handmade items to help with some of those prompts.
What are your hopes and dreams for FSWL?
I hope to spread kindness far and wide and continue to promote some fabulous small businesses and their plastic free goodies along the way. In the back of my head, I secretly have a dream to have a little shop by the sea one day with all these lovely items in. I can spend my days between school runs pottering about and chatting to anyone that’ll come in and listen!
Finally, what is it about Folk Features that makes it a good fit with FSWL?
FSWL is about spreading kindness and happiness, and about supporting small businesses around me in beautiful Suffolk. Folk Features is about bringing happy stories to us from Suffolk and Norfolk and supporting local business by bringing their stories to light, which is why I feel we are a good fit. I really enjoy the stories you write and discovering new businesses along the way.

Readers ordering a From Suffolk With Love gift box can enjoy 10 per cent off (one use per customer). Enter FOLKFEAT10 at checkout
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