Vicky Burroughes is the founder of Vicky’s Kitchen, making and delivering wholefood and plant-based meals in the Norwich area every week. Ahead of a Veganuary Supper Club at Wright’s Café, Victoria explains the story behind the fresh food business
I was born in Great Yarmouth and came here for Uni before living in London for a spell; I came back just before lockdown and got stuck! I missed London at first but now I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
What has led you to setting up Vicky’s Kitchen?
I’ve been a project manager for years, first in the arts and then in technology. I’ve gone from desk job to desk job, never really feeling like it was the right fit. I was made redundant in 2024 and decided to take a huge leap and set up a business helping people reduce the amount of ultra-processed food in their busy lives, by delivering tasty, wholesome and ready-to-eat food once a week.
How important is it to you to offer a plant-based, wholefood menu?
I want to help people make sustainable decisions around food. I eat responsibly sourced meat and dairy myself, but always put plants front and centre and believe that if the plant-based option is also the easiest option, it’s one people will happily take. I love to celebrate our beautiful local fruit and veg with far-flung influences.
Similarly, how important is it to source ingredients locally – and use eco-friendly packaging?
I design a mixed menu every week that includes a wide range of veg that is sourced from local suppliers. Some things that I believe are essential for a varied and engaging menu – I’m thinking of the beans, pulses and spices that make up some of my most popular dishes – are difficult to get within the UK and can be prohibitively expensive if you can find them. But I’m always looking for new suppliers and new ways to make this better.
So how does it all work? Where do you deliver to, and when?
Every Friday I put my menu up on Facebook and Instagram, and on the Vicky’s Kitchen Whatsapp community (made up of lovely customers who have been with me from the start). I take orders through my website vickyskitchen-norwich.co.uk throughout the weekend, cook on Tuesdays and deliver on Wednesdays. This means I can buy only what I need for my orders without guessing and minimise wastage.
We understand you are doing your first supper club this month. Tell us more!
This was such an amazing surprise! Wright’s Norwich reached out to offer me a slot in their Veganuary pop-up line-up – it’s a fabulous opportunity to showcase the amazing produce of our local area in a cold and dreary month. I’m so happy to be able to bring the Vicky’s Kitchen community together for some wholesome, nourishing food.
Any other plans for Vicky’s Kitchen you can share?
Absolutely! I’m preparing a limited-edition meal kit for Valentines Day, something really effortful and beautiful for a lovely mid-winter celebration. Plus, I’ll be adding some baked goods and sweet treats to the weekly menu. I’ll be launching the recipe blog, so that people who have the time are able to make their favourite recipes themselves. And I’ll be sharing the ways I’ve managed to reduce ultra-processed food in my life and some of the swaps and tips that have helped me. I’m so excited to see where 2025 takes the Kitchen!
The Veganuary Supper club with Vicky’s Kitchen takes place at Wright’s Café (1 Bank Plain, Norwich, NR2 4SF) on Friday January 31, 2025 at 6pm. Tickets on Eventbrite. Visit Vicky’s Kitchen.
Featured images – supplied by Vicky’s Kitchen
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